a cozy New England wintertime landscape
chimney smoke
chimney smoke
chimney smoke
You Have Reached

World Headquarters

Creative Workshop

paint brush


Custom Software Development
Branding & Graphic Design
Content Production

Selected Works


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    Meet & Greet

    Whatever your goal is, we want to hear about it and see if we can help you find a creative solution to achieve it.

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    Proposal & Pricing

    Based on your requirements, the type of project, and the scope of the work, we'll draft a proposal outlining our ideas along with a transparent pricing structure and timing estimate.

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    Architecture & Construction

    With an agreed upon proposal, we will formalize any software blueprints, including database schema and tech stack, and begin to build out the project.

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    Testing & Revision

    When we have a version of the project that satisfies all of your requirements, we will put it through its paces and send it back to you for comments and revisions.

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    Final Delivery & Production

    After polishing the project based on the revision round and sealing it with your approval, we will deploy it to a production environment that is sensitive to ongoing costs and future maintenance.


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